Manager, Material Stewardship (East & Southeast Asia), Material Stewardship

Alvin Chao

Alvin Chao-updated (400 x 400 px)
Based in Asia

Alvin Chao serves as a leading advocate at the International Copper Association (ICA) for sustainable development, environment, health and safety matters related to copper in Asia, presenting science-based advocacy materials to key stakeholders. 

Alvin works directly with governments on national legislation, where he employs his background in environmental science and law. He successfully assisted the Korean members with applying ICA’s EU-REACH copper dossier to K-REACH requirements and provided technical support to the Korean Minister of the Environment on the issue of metal risk assessments (e.g., risk assessment approach on iUVCB). Alvin also contributed to the establishment of the Metal Environmental Risk Assessment Guidance in China. His favorite project is providing original research on the issue of copper availability in China as a part of ICA’s global work on the circular economy 

More than anything, Alvin loves international collaboration with his colleagues and the ability to impact stakeholders around the globe. On his own time, Alvin embraces his creative side by practicing photography and enjoying science fiction. 

“Responsible sourcing and production are important to me because it captures all the essential aspects of ESG issues, from human rights to decarbonization. Working in the copper industry allows me to make positive contributions to broader society.” 

La ICA cuenta con un equipo comprometido de defensores globales, científicos y expertos en el mercado que asesoran a los responsables políticos y a la cadena de valor sobre cuestiones clave para la industria del cobre.